Lisa's Blog

3 Exercises to Awaken Psychic Abilities

Posted on Monday July 10, 2023

We are all psychic! This month’s topic in Positive Energy provides exercises to awaken and strengthen your abilities.

Three Amazing Exercises to Awaken Your Psychic Abilities:

1. Remote Viewing: For the first exercise you will need a box. My preference is a shoe box because it’s easy to open and close. Have someone place an object in the box without you seeing what’s inside. It’s best to do this exercise when you feel relaxed, calm, and receptive. Imagine the box in your mind and try to use your psychic abilities to feel, see, or just know what the object is inside of the box. It’s just as amazing if you get the color, the shape, or the size of the object correct. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right. Keep practicing!

2. Predicting the Future: Practice sensing future events. For example, what do you sense is going to be for dinner that evening? You could also try to predict the ending of a TV show or try to sense what will be on the news that day.

3. Telepathy: This exercise is usually best when working with a partner. First, try to sense your partner’s energy. Think of a radio station and that your partner is on a specific channel. Then feel your own energy and try to adjust your energy to that exact channel of your partner. Feel into that frequency and become a match. Then have them think about something or imagine an image in their mind. Use your abilities to sense what it is.

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