Lisa's Blog

Five Wonderful Ways to Meditate

Posted on Thursday June 18, 2020

Meditation is a wonderful way to help with stress and anxiety. It also helps to increase your intuition and raise your vibration. It should feel relaxing and require little to no effort and calm your mind through mediation.

Five Wonderful Ways to Meditate

1. Guided Meditation
A guided meditation is a type of meditation where you listen to someone guide you through the entire meditation processes. There are many different types of guided meditations. Some are intended to expand your intuition, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and aid in relaxation.

2. Mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation is one of my favorite ways to meditate. The goal is to quiet the mind and stop thought. The trick is to focus on something not too distracting, for example sound of a fan or the flame of a candle. This helps to stop the thinking mind.

3. Sitting in the Power
This type of meditation is less commonly heard of. It involves two parts. The first part is sitting in your own power in which you expand your light, and your love from your solar plexus outward. You extend your power beyond your body, your home, into the sky, and beyond. I find that this method builds your personal power, your confidence, and your love for yourself. The second part is to invite spirit and all their love to join you and blend with your energy. As a result, you are attuning your vibration, to the vibrational love of spirit.

4. Spiritual Reading
Reading positive material is a wonderful way to meditate. It calms your mind, calms your thoughts, and raises your vibration. I find this best at night because it puts my mind in a happy and relaxed state before bed, helping with sleep.

5. Walking Meditation
You don’t need to be sitting down with your eyes closed to meditate. Go for a walk and embrace nature. Focus on your breath, silence your mind, and attune to the Earth’s vibration.

~Lisa Bagnall




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